javascript - submit form check if checkbox is checked -

i use form signup checkbox 'terms of use'

 <form action="/signup/signup_success.html" id="regform" class="form-horizontal" novalidate="novalidate" autocomplete="off">   <fieldset>   <div class="checkbox">                         <label for="agb" id="checkbox_validate" class="hide success">please accept terms of use</label>                         <label>                             <input type="checkbox" name="agbcheckbox" id="agbcheckbox">                             yes <a target="_blank" href="">datenschutzbestimmungen</a>. </label>                     </div>                     <div class="buttonwrapper">                         <button type="submit" class="try-button" >                             register                         </button>                     </div>     </fieldset> </form>  <script>  //check if checkbox terms of use checked or not  $("#regform").submit(function(event) { if ($('#agbcheckbox').prop('checked')) {     $('#checkbox_validate').removeclass('show').addclass('hide');     //checkbox terms of use checked } else {     //checkbox terms of use not checked     $('#checkbox_validate').removeclass('hide').addclass('show'); }   }); </script> 

if add "action="/signup/signup_success.html" form, checkbox validation not work anymore. if set action action="" validation works correctly. don´t find problem. thank help!

this need


also suggest read better understand difference between event.preventdefault , return false

event.preventdefault() vs. return false


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