angularjs - How to start a new project with MEAN and sails.js -

i have created web app node.js, express, , angular.js in past. starting new project , want use mongodb. mean stack. using mean, start project this:

now, have written rest api's in past , have heard sails.js sounds compelling. can automatically create rest api's you.

so question is, what steps follow start new project mean stack , sails.js?


  1. would clone stack, run npm install , npm install sails.js?
  2. or, seems sails.js has it's own idea of directory structure. install sails.js per instructions!getstarted , npm install angular , mongo? (i think not need mongoose since sails.js has own orm, waterline).

i going try option 2 today, glad know steps have worked others.

thank much!

you on right path npm install -g sails , sails new myproj. since want use mongo, need install waterline adapter mongo (in project dir) npm install sails-mongo --save , configure sails use mongo.

add mongo config config/adapters.js file:

module.exports.adapters = {   'default': 'mongo',    mongo: {     module   : 'sails-mongo',     host     : 'localhost',     port     : 27017,     user     : 'username',     password : 'password',     database : 'your mongo db name here',      // or     module   : 'sails-mongo',     url      : 'mongodb://user:password@host:port/db',      // replica set (optional)     replset: {       servers: [         {           host: 'secondary1.localhost',           port: 27017 // override port default config (optional)         },         {           host: 'secondary2.localhost',           port: 27017         }       ],       options: {} // see (optional)     }   } }; 

additionally, create api, (in project dir) use sails generate name name name of model. default, can added database, may want limit properties/fields , possibly validate them. easy. generate command created few files you, 1 of models/name.js. in file can export object attributes corresponding field want , restrictions/validations want happen before saved.

// person.js var person = {   attributes: {     firstname: 'string',     lastname: 'string',     age: {       type: 'integer',       max: 150,       required: true     }     birthdate: 'date',     phonenumber: {       type: 'string',       defaultsto: '111-222-3333'     }     emailaddress: {       type: 'email', // email type validated orm       required: true     }   } };  module.exports = person; 

this page lists of different types , validations can have.

once set up, run sails lift start server. default port 1337, can change port env var or in local configs

module.exports = {     port: 80     // ... more config things } 

also, 'a' in mean, check out angular sails. small angular service let take advantage of things sails doing you. can call of apis on socket connection make them lighter , faster.

in case $sails replaces $http

app.controller("foocontroller", function ($scope, $sails) {     $scope.bars = [];      $sails.get("/bars", function (data) {       $scope.bars = data;     }); }); 


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