python - PyQt5 without QtGui and QtWidgets -

i trying build pyqt5 virtualenv there no qtwidgets package or module or whatever should be. , can't import qtgui. how try build it:

python --qmake=/opt/qt/5.2.0/gcc_64/bin/qmake make make install 

pyqt5 install using python3-sip standard package

i faced same problem yesterday. solved on ubunutu 13.10 removing python3-sip package pyqt5 installation seemed refer to.

sudo apt-get remove python3-sip 

and cleanup :

sudo apt-get autoremove 

then install again sip 4.15.5 & pyqt5 in fresh environments (make clean) or restore source directories.

note : pyqt5 libraries (graphic based) lake me after installation. had install libgl1-mesa-dev package before re-installing.

hope you.


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