Ruby Gem ActiveAdmin Install Error -

i trying install activeadmin gem following error. running commandline

harsha@harshamv:~$ gem install activeadmin error:  while executing gem ... (gem::dependencyresolutionerror)     conflicting dependencies arel (~> 2.0.2) , arel (~> 4.0.0)   activated arel-4.0.0 via:     arel-4.0.0 (~> 4.0.0), activerecord-4.0.0.rc2 (= 4.0.0.rc2), rails-4.0.0.rc2 (< 4, >= 3.0.0), activeadmin-0.6.3 (= 0.6.3)   instead of (~> 2.0.2) via:     meta_search-1.0.0 (~> 1.0), activeadmin-0.6.3 (= 0.6.3) 

if using rails 4, need use >= 1.0.0.pre version of activeadmin. best way of doing right is:

gem 'activeadmin', github: 'gregbell/active_admin' 

in gemfile.


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