windows - Running a batch file (with blanks) from powershell script -

i need call batch file powershell script. batch file name decided using parameters ps file user. have code not working expected. poing me mistake? seems fine getting issues actual batch file calling (one of last 4 statements)

param(   [string]$parts ) $shareddrive = "\\server\share" $cred = get-credential "domain\" $username = $cred.username $password = $cred.getnetworkcredential().password $net = new-object -com $net.mapnetworkdrive("", $shareddrive, "true", $username, $password)  $batchfilepath = $shareddrive + "\public\upgrade\application folder" if ($parts -eq "p1") {     $selectedbatchfile = "`"" + $batchfilepath + "\p1 upgrade file.bat" + "`"" } elseif ($parts -eq "p2") {     $selectedbatchfile = "`"" + $batchfilepath + "\p1p2 upgrade file.bat" + "`"" } else {      write-host "invalid part specified. choose 1 from: p1, p2" }  $command1 =  "/k $selectedbatchfile   $username   $password"  ## tried below none worked  #& cmd "`"$command1`"" #& cmd "$command1"  #start-process "cmd.exe" -argumentlist "$command1" #start-process "cmd.exe" -argumentlist "`"$command1`"" 

is there reason want start cmd.exe /k?

start-process -filepath $selectedbatchfile -argumentlist $username,$password 


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