How to reload/refresh subgrid in JQgrid? -

this of subgrid code in jquery. problem , have dropdown user. each user have own id , transmitted method. when select different user expected show in subgrid different values, not happens after manually refresh page (crtl + f5). im using ajax , json . code :

subgrid : true,          subgridrowexpanded: function(subgrid_id, row_id) {           //var projectidrow = $('#list2').jqgrid('getcell',rowid,'projectid');           //alert(row_id);           var subgrid_table_id;           subgrid_table_id = subgrid_id+"_t";           $("#"+subgrid_id).html("<table id='"+subgrid_table_id+"'></table>");           $("#"+subgrid_table_id).jqgrid({             url:"/taskuri/subgrid/?id="+row_id+"&userid="+useralocat,             datatype: "json",             colnames: ['subtask',' ','pri','responsabil','alocator','alocat','deadline','estimat','lucrat',' '],             colmodel: [                {name:"subtask",index:"subtask",width:'770%',align:"left",sortable:false},               {name:'finished',index:'finished', width:'42%',sortable:false},               {name:"pri",index:"pri",width:'60%', sortable:true},               {name:"responsabil",index:"responsabil",width:'144%',sortable:false},               {name:"alocator",index:"alocator",width:'140%',sortable:false},               {name:"alocat",index:"alocat",width:'122%',sortable:false},               {name:"deadline",index:"deadline",width:'122%',sortable:false},               {name:"estimat",index:"estimat",width:'84%',align:"right",sortable:false},               {name:"lucrat",index:"lucrat",width:'94%',align:"right"},               {name:"delete",index:"delete",width:'48%',align:"right"},             ],             height: '100%',             rownum:20             });           var useridlogat = $("#userid").val();         },         gridcomplete: function(){ //afiseaza subgridurile default                var grid = $("#list2");                var svi_id = grid.jqgrid('getdataids');                $.each(svi_id, function (index, rowid) {                     $.post('/taskuri/checksubtask/', { rowid: rowid}, function(data){                         if (data >= 1){ //data reprezinta numarul row urilor din query                             grid.jqgrid('expandsubgridrow',rowid);                         }else{                             // else ul face , ca userul sa numai dea click pe poza +, asa se evita sa afiseze headurl ala fara date, adica cand nu contine date subgridul                             $('.sgcollapsed a').remove();                               $(".ui-sgcollapsed:eq("+index+")" ).removeclass("sgcollapsed");                         }                     });                });         }, 

what can do? thx

  //if textbox      $("#textinputid").keyup(function() {        reloadjqgrid();     });       //if dropdown     $("#dropdownid").on("change",function() {         reloadjqgrid();      }); 


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