.net - STS logging user out after 60 mins, how to extend? -

i have setup relying party, sharepoint site , claims application. application's talking each other , sso working sharepoint. issue after hour, user logged out of application , sent sts login. can't seem pinpoint needs changed extend users "session." realize possibly cookie , not session. have pointers? spent time looking around on web, haven't been able pin point solution issue.

i have done of following iis extend timeout no avail:

  1. change application pools idle time-out.
  2. change asp session time-out value going asp – session properties under iis manager.
  3. change cookie settings time-out value going session state ->cookie settings

federatedauthentication of rp:

<federatedauthentication>     <wsfederation passiveredirectenabled="true" issuer="mystsapplication" realm="relyingparturl" requirehttps="false" />     <cookiehandler requiressl="false" path="/" name="mycookiehandler" persistentsessionlifetime="0:10:0" />   </federatedauthentication> 

this in web.config of rp:

web.config of sts application:

 authentication mode="forms">     <forms loginurl="login.aspx" protection="all" timeout="600" name=".aspxauth" path="/" requiressl="false" slidingexpiration="true" defaulturl="default.aspx" cookieless="usedeviceprofile" enablecrossappredirects="false" /> </authentication> 

by default, wif use shorter of either duration indicated in token or duration indicated in local config. can decide use other timeout if wish. here's helper put assist that:





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