How to Setup Geokit with Google geocoder: client_id and cryptographic_key -

i have been trying @ couple hours geocoder work google. more or less trying figure out how configure google account , code below make geocoder work

geokit::geocoders::googlegeocoder.client_id = '' geokit::geocoders::googlegeocoder.cryptographic_key = '' 

for various parameters have tried, following response google.

unable authenticate request. provided 'signature' not valid provided client id. learn more: 

on google developer panel, there following options: 1. default client id , email address fields given compute engine , app engine. have following apis enabled: bigquery, geocoding, google cloud sql, google cloud storage, google storage json api, google maps api v3, google maps coordinate api, google maps geolocation api

when click create new client id, given 3 options: web application, service account, , installed application. have tried web application , installed application both give field called "client secret" input variable "cryptographic_key". gives client id used in "client_id" field. last option, service, downloads certificate has private key inside. did not know , couldn't extract private key.

any on great.

i think want: geokit::geocoders::googlegeocoder.api_key = 'myapikey'

this key use free service, if using paid "maps api business" 2 parameters correct.

this in current readme. possibly documentation doesn't make clear enough?


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