xcode5 - Compiling embedded MATLAB functions in Simulink, Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks, Xcode 5, MATLAB 2012b -

after updated latest osx mavericks, i've had issues compiling simple matlab function blocks in simulink, diagram , attached code below. simple simulink diagram

function y = fcn(t)    %#codegen    %simple matlab .m function compiled diagram  y = sin(t)+cos(t); 

i had same problem under osx 10.8 mountain lion, able solve problem downloading mathworks patch , following instructions on this site.

with new os , having upgraded xcode 5, followed instructions in this post change compiler , sdk info in mexopts.sh file from

#patch: macosx10.8         cc='llvm-gcc-4.2'         cxx='llvm-g++-4.2'         sdkroot='/applications/xcode.app/contents/developer/platforms/macosx.platform/developer/sdks/macosx10.8.sdk/'          macosx_deployment_target='10.8'         archs='x86_64' 


#patch: macosx10.9         cc='llvm-gcc'         cxx='llvm-g++'         sdkroot='/applications/xcode.app/contents/developer/platforms/macosx.platform/developer/sdks/macosx10.9.sdk/'          macosx_deployment_target='10.9'         archs='x86_64' 

after running mex -setupand restarting matlab, following error when trying run simulink model function block (the behavior same models these blocks):

making simulation target "mextest_sfun", ...    /applications/matlab.app/bin/mex -c -o   -dmatlab_mex_file  -i/applications/matlab.app/toolbox/stateflow/stateflow/../../../simulink/include  -i/applications/matlab.app/toolbox/stateflow/stateflow/../../../extern/include  -i/applications/matlab.app/stateflow/c/mex/include  -i/applications/matlab.app/stateflow/c/debugger/include   mextest_sfun.c clang: warning: treating 'c' input 'c++' when in c++ mode, behavior deprecated  /applications/matlab.app/bin/mex -c -o   -dmatlab_mex_file  -i/applications/matlab.app/toolbox/stateflow/stateflow/../../../simulink/include  -i/applications/matlab.app/toolbox/stateflow/stateflow/../../../extern/include  -i/applications/matlab.app/stateflow/c/mex/include  -i/applications/matlab.app/stateflow/c/debugger/include   mextest_sfun_registry.c clang: warning: treating 'c' input 'c++' when in c++ mode, behavior deprecated  /applications/matlab.app/bin/mex -c -o   -dmatlab_mex_file  -i/applications/matlab.app/toolbox/stateflow/stateflow/../../../simulink/include  -i/applications/matlab.app/toolbox/stateflow/stateflow/../../../extern/include  -i/applications/matlab.app/stateflow/c/mex/include  -i/applications/matlab.app/stateflow/c/debugger/include   c2_mextest.c clang: warning: treating 'c' input 'c++' when in c++ mode, behavior deprecated  /applications/matlab.app/bin/mex -silent ldflags="\$ldflags " -output mextest_sfun.mexmaci64      mextest_sfun.o mextest_sfun_registry.o c2_mextest.o      /applications/matlab.app/stateflow/c/mex/lib/maci64/sfc_mex.a /applications/matlab.app/stateflow/c/debugger/lib/maci64/sfc_debug.a -l/applications/matlab.app/bin/maci64 -lfixedpoint -lut -lmwmathutil -lemlrt -lmwblascompat32  -l/applications/matlab.app/bin/maci64 -lippmwipt undefined symbols architecture x86_64:   "sf_debug_api(int, mxarray_tag**, int, mxarray_tag const**)", referenced from:   _mexfunction in mextest_sfun_registry.o "_callcustomfcn", referenced from:   _mdl_start_processing in sfc_mex.a(sfc_sf.o)   _mdlterminate in sfc_mex.a(sfc_sf.o) "_sf_machine_global_initializer", referenced from:   _mdl_start_processing in sfc_mex.a(sfc_sf.o)  "_sf_machine_global_method_dispatcher", referenced from:   _call_sf_machine_global_method_dispatcher in sfc_mex.a(sfc_sf.o) "_sf_machine_global_terminator", referenced from:   _mdlterminate in sfc_mex.a(sfc_sf.o) ld: symbol(s) not found architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed exit code 1 (use -v see invocation)  mex: link of ' "mextest_sfun.mexmaci64"' failed.  gmake: *** [mextest_sfun.mexmaci64] error 1 

i'm thinking it's undefined symbols architecture x86_64 key message here, not know. have had same issues, or have solution this? appreciated. thanks!

after searching internet , waiting answers on forum no results, solution problem became upgrading matlab 2013a.

in addition, little modification mexopts.shfile needed. replace instances of 10.7 either 10.8 or 10.9. both of these worked me, ended replacing 10.9 i'm running mavericks.

the "official" solution can found on this site.


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