javascript - How can I mark a parameter as containing a DOM node in JSDoc? -

i want indicate parameter should dom node, can't seem find information how indicate jsdoc. use {object}, rather ugly. rather have {node} or {domnode}, can't find examples point me in direction.

so, how mark parameter expecting dom node?

from @type annotation:

a type expression can include jsdoc namepath symbol (for example, mynamespace.myclass); built-in javascript type (for example, string); or combination of these. can use google closure compiler type expression, several other formats specific jsdoc.


each type specified providing type expression, using 1 of formats described below. appropriate, jsdoc automatically create links documentation other symbols. example, @type {myclass} link myclass documentation if symbol has been documented.

so can link symbols. htmlelement (and inheriting objects htmlimageelement) symbols. therefore, if follow spec, should allowed do:

@type {htmlelement} 

to indicate type of htmlelement (i.e. dom node).

my guess why isn't explicitly documented because dom node objects aren't javascript built-ins (e.g. string or number). added client browser, technically other symbol , make (being implemented native browser code aside), far js language spec concerned.

while haven't gotten stage of compiling our documentation (that's separate story), confirm if above accepted jsdoc, how interpret , follow particular concept work, , our standard ide (intellij) accepts it.


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