node.js - Why is "exports" not defined in my karma Node unit test and what is preventing requirejs from working as expected -

i've been trying unit tests working node application , have followed guide here searched on , google , unclear doing wrong or if trying right.

i have created own module simplicity called mymodule.js , contains:

exports.mul = function (a, b){     return * b; }; 

i have set karma init allow requirejs see config file , test-main.js

karma.config.js :

// karma configuration     module.exports = function(config) {   config.set({     basepath: '',     frameworks: ['jasmine', 'requirejs'],      files: [         {pattern: 'lib/**/*.js', included: false},         {pattern: 'src/**/*.js', included: false},         {pattern: 'test/**/*spec.js', included: false},          'test/test-main.js',     ],     exclude: [         'src/main.js'     ],      reporters: ['progress'],     port: 9876,     colors: true,     loglevel: config.log_info,     autowatch: true,     browsers: ['chrome'],      capturetimeout: 60000,      singlerun: false   }); }; 


 var tests = [];     (var file in window.__karma__.files) {         if (/spec\.js$/.test(file)) {             tests.push(file);         }     }      requirejs.config({         // karma serves files '/base'         baseurl: '/base/src',          paths: {             'jquery': '../lib/jquery',             'underscore': '../lib/underscore',             'mymodule' : 'mymodule',         },          shim: {             'underscore': {                 exports: '_'             }         },          // ask require.js load these files (all our tests)         deps: tests,          // start test run, once require.js done         callback: window.__karma__.start     }); 

and test file:

define(['app', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'mymodule'], function(app, $, _, mymodule) {      describe('just checking', function() {         it('test module', function (){             expect(mymodule.mul(2,2)).tobe(4);         });      });  }); 

the problem keep getting error uncaught referenceerror: exports not defined @ c:/myproject/src/mymodule.js:1.

also time try require node module mongoose example error uncaught error: module name "mongoose" has not been loaded yet context: _. use require([]) . have tried include same way have own module no luck, same error.

am doing wrong? able test custom modules same way use them ie inside test file following:

var mymodule = require("./mymodule"); var value = mymodule.mul(3,4) expect(value).tobe(12) 

obviously using define in test fine if worked need able test modules "require" other modules. , if @ possible prefer not have manually update karma config or test-main every module required indirectly ( i.e. if i'm testing module , requires modules band c expect update karma config information module not b or c or modules required b or c)

i have barely used grunt if way solve please feel free point me in direction or similar.

any help, advice or useful links greatfully appreciated , if reason not possible in karma, there framework ( preferably 1 uses jasmine.

this commonjs module definition:

exports.mul = function (a, b){     return * b; }; 

you using require.js, should use amd module definition:

define(function (){     return {         mul : function (a, b){             return * b;         }     }; }); 

also, karma test runner browser tests, don't need node tests.


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