Define twig function for template include -

i have quick question:

i use project many different elements. have editable group them , include them template this:

{% include '::fields/special.html.twig' {'avg': 'avgvalue','class':'test','value':'myvalue'} %} 

is there possibillity make shortcut function this, like:

{{ special(fieldvalues) }} 

if so, how can that?

create twig function like:

<?php  // src\bw\mainbundle\twig\bwextension.php  namespace bw\mainbundle\twig;  use symfony\component\dependencyinjection\containerinterface;  class bwextension extends \twig_extension {          protected $container;      public function __construct(containerinterface $container)     {         $this->container = $container;     }      public function getfunctions() {          return array(             new \twig_simplefunction('special', array($this, 'specialfunction')),         );     }       public function specialfunction($fieldvalues) {         // handle of field values          return $this->container->get('templating')->render('bwmainbundle:main:test.html.twig'); // return string of rendered twig template     } } 

and define service:

# src\bw\mainbundle\resources\config\services.yml services:     bw_main.twig.bw_extension:         class: bw\mainbundle\twig\bwextension         arguments: ["@service_container"]         tags:             - { name: twig.extension } 


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