elasticsearch - Logstash not parsing multiple named capture groups -

i have started playing around logstash, elasticsearch , kibana visualisation of logs , experiencing problems.

i have log file being gathered logstash , want extract fields log entries before writing these elasticsearch.

i have define filter number of named capture groups in logstash config file @ point first of named capture groups matching.

my log file looks following:

[2014-01-31 12:00:00] [field1:somevalue] [field2:somevalue]

and logstash filter looks follwing:

if[type] == "mytype {    grok    {    match => [ "message", "(?<timestamp>regex)", "message", "(?<field1>regex)", "message", "(?<field2>regex)" ]    }    } 

i have verfied regexes fields correct when go kibana dashboard field1 , field2 not appearing.

if shed light on grateful.



grok's default behavior stop processing after first match.

you can change setting break_on_match false:

if[type] == "mytype {     grok     {         match => [              "message", "(?<timestamp>regex)",             "message", "(?<field1>regex)",             "message", "(?<field2>regex)"         ]         break_on_match => false     }     } 


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