payflowpro - PayPal Payflow: How to verify in one request, and then authorize in another without saving CC info? -

i'm building book store , building checkout using paypal payflow . checkout flow:

shipping info --> billing info |verify cc using paypal| --> order summary --> submit |authorize cc using paypal|

  1. shipping info: fill out shipping address, nothing special here

  2. billing info: fill out billing address + credit card info. don't save credit card info since it's against standards, instead send cc number, expiration date, , cvv directly paypal verify. paypal approves.

  3. order summary: order sees summary of order before submits order. presses submit , request paypal sent authorize funds.

however, cc info vanishes after #2, how persist data #3 can send paypal again?

can use origid point pnref ? documentation says have full request whole params list (including cc info, cvv, exp date, etc).

trxtype=a&tender=c&pwd=x1y2z3&partner=paypal&vendor=supermerchant&user=s upermerchant&acct=5555555555554444&expdate=0308&amt=123.00&comment1=seco nd purchase&comment2=low risk customer&invnum=123456789&street=5199 maple&zip=94588

or misunderstanding authorization means? isn't authorization reserving funds in user's cc? shouldn't done until user presses submit order right?

i figured out.

the documentation here:

on page 40 mentions briefly, doesn't go detail checkout flow though seems pretty common.

my assumption right, in address verification request first cc info, , use pnref returned. save pnref id in session , reuse submit request looks this:

def authorize_transaction(pnref)   make_request(authorization_data(pnref)) end  def authorization_data(pnref)   {      "trxtype" => "a",      "tender" => "c",      "user" => paypal_api["user"],      "pwd" => paypal_api["pwd"],      "vendor" => paypal_api["user"],      "partner" => "paypal",      "amt" => purchase.total_price,      "origid" => pnref,      "verbosity" => "high"    } end 

and receive desired response:

{"result"=>"0", "pnref"=>"a10a6a9c08e1", "respmsg"=>"approved", "authcode"=>"752pni", "avsaddr"=>"y", "avszip"=>"y", "hostcode"=>"a", "procavs"=>"y", "visacardlevel"=>"12", "transtime"=>"2014-01-31 11:53:56", "firstname"=>"net", "lastname"=>"theory", "amt"=>"15.64", "acct"=>"1111", "expdate"=>"0115", "cardtype"=>"0", "iavs"=>"n"}


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