c - Saving data from a file into arrays -

i trying scan in information:

00abcabc:abc123 01defdef:def456 02hijhij:hij789 

into 2 arrays using code:

file *datalogin;  int i=0, numrecords; char username[100][10], password[100][10];  datalogin = fopen("login.dat", "r");  if (datalogin == null){printf("error");}  else {      while (fscanf(datalogin, "%s:%s\n", username[i], password[i])){i++;}      fclose(datalogin);      numrecords = i;      for(i = 0; < numrecords; i++){printf("%s, %s\n", username[i], password[i]);}      }  printf("complete"); 

the program compiles , runs doesn't display anything. believe have isolated fault while loop stuck there. thanks!

try with:

while (fscanf(datalogin, "%[^:]:%s\n", username[i], password[i]) == 2){i++;} 

scanf returns number of field red, 2 until end of file. , need change "%s:%s\n" "%[^:]:%s\n".


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