audio - How to install stagefright on my android? -

i hear sound program supposedly comes android called "stagefright" needed in order play audio files command-line of terminal emulator. 1 source heard of here: how use stagefright command line?

problem --- checked pretty on android device (aesus nexus 7) , isn't there. (either there no "stagefright" or it's command-line interface program missing.) how can installed --- , if can't, there else install allow me play audio files terminal-emulator command line?

i ask because inability play audio files command-line serious limitation.

as android reserves direct audio access permission system processes acting delegates applications through android app-only apis, stagefright executable not add secured device if not placed there system vendor. however, can accomplish need play audio upon request adb command line using intent.

here's example - adjust specifics:

am start -a android.intent.action.view -d file:///mnt/sdcard/ringtones/hangouts_video_call.ogg -t audio/ogg 

remember change audio/mp3 if file type

this utilizes default player - if doesn't give precisely behavior want, may need make own custom player app behavior, , use intent (with explicit package name) trigger command line.


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