ios - Add UIImage or UILabel to navigationItems -

in app, have customize navigation bar depending on page i'm on. in views, need add uibutton, uiimage (for logo not centered) or uilabel.

i using [self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar addsubview:mylabel]. don't method because if ever have add uibutton or change text of uilabel, need change manually origin of each uilabel , each uiimage.

i thought of using exists : uibarbuttonitem. can contain text, image, , need add each of them in navigationitem.leftbarbuttonitems, , every thing nicely positioned.

the problem remains, still button, , reacts 1 when pressed. if disable it, it's alpha changes show it's disabled... how keep it's normal apparence, , let disabled ?

thanks !

ps: i'm open other idea add uiimages or uilabels in navigation bar :)

you can not setting @selector created button, , setting same customized properties both uicontrolstatenormal , uicontrolstateselected. also, set tintcolor clearcolor. that, button still button, stay there, same won't anything.

hope helps.


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