javascript - remove all links from within div -

i've embedded custom ggl map within container div using javascript (not google iframe), , div display map within first/original container div. need deactivate links within either div links in embedded map not clickable.

i've tried following jquery solution doesn't seem work:

<script>  $("#map_canvas a").click(function(e) {    e.preventdefault();  }); </script> 

then i've tried following css solution blocks user's ability pan map.

pointer-events: none; 

how can enable user interactivity map while preventing anchor links working within embedded map? thanks!

i guess first problem links created dynamically. so, when call $("#map_canvas a"), there no a elements bind to. might try delegated syntax of bind(). assuming #map_canvas exists when script called (and recommend putting code in ready block):

$( function() {       $('#map_canvas').on('click', 'a', function() {         // return false preventdefault , stoppropagation in jquery         return false;       });  }); 


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