mysql - Add many-to-many select into existing query -

i have query set return comments given 1 user another.

now want allow ability rate these comments.

i've added new table has 3 fields: comment_id, user_id, , score.

how can grab array of {user_id,score} comment fetched?

will need loop through comments after fetched , run second query? approach result in adding several queries.

can done single query?

here's function have now:

function getallcomments($args) {   if(empty($_session['user']['id'])) return false;   $limit = 5;   if(isset($args['limit'])) $limit = $args['limit'];   $page = 1;   if(isset($args['page'])) $page = $args['page'];   $data = array();   $offset = ($page-1)*$limit;    $sql = "select c.*,concat(u1.firstname,' ',u1.lastname) owner,u1.title ownertitle,concat_ws(' ',u2.firstname,u2.lastname) sendername,u2.title sendertitle, actionname,a.behavior      comment c      join user u1 on c.recipient =     join user u2 on c.sender =     join action on c.action =     c.type=1";    if(isset($args['location'])) $sql .= " , u1.location=?";   $sql .= " order date desc";   $sql .= " limit ?";   $sql .= " offset ?";    try {     $db = db::getinstance();     $stmt = $db->dbh->prepare($sql);     $n = 1;     //these must stay in same order match ? placeholders     if(isset($args['location'])) $stmt->bindvalue(($n++), $args['location'], pdo::param_int);     $stmt->bindvalue(($n++), $limit, pdo::param_int);     $stmt->bindvalue(($n++), $offset, pdo::param_int);     $result = $stmt->execute();     $stmt->setfetchmode(pdo::fetch_assoc);     $rows = array();      if($result !== false) {       while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {         $rows[] = $row;       }       $data['comments'] = $rows;       return $data;     }else {       logit('query failed');       return false;     }   }catch(pdoexception $e) {     logit($e->getmessage());     return false;   } } 

if example wanted {comment_id, user_id, score} associated comments of user 5, query involve inner join , like:

select s.comment_id, s.user_id, s.score commentscore s inner join comment c on c.comment_id = s.comment_id c.user_id = 5 


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