symfony - how to use Gaufrette Stream Wrappers? -

if have defined below stream wrapper in symfony2 config.yml:

knp_gaufrette:     adapters:         my_drive:             local:                 directory: %my_drive_path%                 create:     true     filesystems:         user_fs:             adapter:    my_drive             alias:      my_drive_filesystem     stream_wrapper:         protocol: data 

how can use in controller download file ?

i have this:

$response = new binaryfileresponse("data://user_fs/" . $key); 

so call file using addres: "data://user_fs/" haw can change dont use it, couse if change name in config have change in controller. , want manage in 1 file (config)

you can define path parameter in parameters.yml:

parameters:     data_protocol: data     data_filesystem: user_fs     data_path: "%data_protocol%://%data_filesystem%/" 

and container:

$path = $this->get('system_container')->getparameter('data_path') $response = new binaryresponse($path . $key); 


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