datetime - Loop through file timestamps, and if it equals to today's date, copy file -

good day all

i have bunch of sql files in folder. loop through each file , timestamp of file. if timestamp mathes current date, want copy file new location.

here directory structure of files:


and example of file be:


so here code have far, not right...

set currentdate=%date%  /r c:\mfa\ %%g in (*.sql) set %%g=%file%  %%f in (%file%) set filedatetime=%%~tf if %filedatetime:~0, 10% == %currentdate% goto same  goto notsame  :same copy %file% c:\newlocation  goto next  :notsame  goto end  :next 

any suggestions on doing wrong here?


@echo off setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion  set "currentdate=%date:~0,10%"     %%g in ("c:\mfa\*.sql") (      set "filedate=%%~tg"      set "filedate=!filedate:~0,10!"      if "!filedate!"=="%currentdate%" (         copy "%%~fg" "c:\newlocation"      )     ) 

for each .sql file in indicated folder, if file date (10 first characters, i'm assuming date in mm/dd/yyyy variation) equal current date (same amount of characters), copy file new directory

edited - seems 2008 server installation gives problems delayedexpansion. under same asumption (from data in op original question), date in mm/dd/yyyy variation, , since file date in filedatetime returned (as far know) in same format in %date% variable, "should" work (i hope, previous code "should" work) without delayedexpansion

@echo off     setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion      /f %%d in ("%date%") %%a in ("c:\mfa\*.sql") /f %%b in ("%%~ta") (         if "%%b"=="%%d" copy "%%~fa" "c:\newlocation"     )      endlocal 

it takes first token of data returned '%date%' , each file in indicated set, take first token in file datetime field , check agains splitted current date. if 2 values equal, file copied target.

edited 2 - well, seems not work in 2008 server. next try. without delayed expansion. far %date% variable returns information in same format file datetime (not sure if can different), , in file datetime date part appears before time part, "maybe" works.

@echo off     setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion      set "source=d:\descargas\_work\x"     set "target=c:\newlocation"      /f "tokens=2 delims=|" %%a in (         'cmd /q /d /c "for %%f in ("%source%\*.*") echo(%%~tf^|%%~ff"^|findstr /l /i /b /c:"%date%"'     ) (         echo copy "%%a" "%target%"     ) 


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