plsql - ORACLE PL/SQL: Table or view does not exist -

i'd appreciate on topic since making first steps pl/sql:

when trying create function, error: "table or view not exist" 5 select statements (and statement in cursor declaration well). sure tables exist.

many in advance.

create or replace function zinskalk (vtid in number, intart in integer)    return number    j         integer := 0;    p         number := 1;    q         number := 0;    t         number := 1;    r         number := 0;    lz        integer := 0;    modusvn   integer := 0;    w1        number := 0;    w2        number := 0;            integer := 0;     type array_typ varray (200) of number (10, 2);     rarray    array_typ;     cursor c1            select vtobslpos.anzahl, vtobslpos.betrag           vtobsl, vtobslpos              vtobsl.sysid = vtobslpos.sysvtobsl                , vtobsl.sysid in                       (select max (vtobsl.sysid)                          vtobsl                         vtobsl.sysvt = vtid , vtobsl.rang = 100)       order vtobslpos.rang asc;  begin    select sum (vtobslpos.anzahl)      lz      vtobslpos, vtobsl         vtobslpos.sysvtobsl = vtobsl.sysid           , vtobsl.sysvt = vtid           , vtobsl.sysid in (select max (sysid)                                  vtobsl                                 sysvt = vtid , rang = 100);     select vtobsl.modus      modusvn      vtobsl     vtobsl.sysid in (select max (sysid)                              vtobsl                             sysvt = vtid , rang = 100);     select   bgextern           - sz           + (case intart                 when 1 0                 when 2 - (sz2 + disagio)                 when 3 (sz2 + disagio - provision)                 else 0              end)      w1      vt     sysid = vtid;     select rw + rsv      w2      vt     sysid = vtid;     := (case when modusvn = 0 1 else 0 end);     rarray (1) := -w1;    rarray (lz + 1) := w2;     x in c1    loop       y in 1 .. x.anzahl       loop          := + 1;          rarray (i) := rarray (i) + x.betrag;       end loop;    end loop;       while abs (p) >= 0.001    loop       p := 0;       q := 0;       j := 0;        z in 1 .. lz + 1       loop          j := j + 1;          p := p + rarray (j) * power (t, j - 1);          q := q + (j - 1) * rarray (j) * power (t, j - 2);       end loop;        t := t - p / q;    end loop;     r := 1200 / t - 1200;    return r; exception    when others          return 0; end; 

i assume table belong schema schema function compiled. if have granted select on these table via role rather directly, oracle give ora-00942.

see this stackoverflow question more information.


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