iphone - "Fastest way to unzip many files on iOS" or "How else can I download many files quickly into my iOS app" -

in app want user able download offline map content.

so (compressed) moved tiles zip file. (i used 0 compression) structure that: {z/x/y.jpg}

+0 +-0 +--0.jpg +1 +-1 +--0.jpg +2 +-2 +--1.jpg 

so there going many many files zoom level 0-15. (about 120.000 tiles test-region).

i using https://github.com/mattconnolly/ziparchive tried out https://github.com/soffes/ssziparchive before , both pretty slow. takes 5!! minutes on iphone 5s files unzip.

is there way can speed things up? other possibilities rather downloading tiles in 1 big zip file there be?

edit: how can download content of whole folder iphone without need of unzipping something?

any appreciated!

jpgs compress @ zip - definition compressed. should create own binary file format, , put whatever metadata need along images (which should encode low quality number, size down).

when download files, can open then, read them memory, , extract out data or images needed.

this fast , have virtually no overhead if data binary (not text).

ps: tripped on php plist class


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