java - Flip Images in a viewpager -

i have viewpager fullscreen image slider horizontal swipe. trying put image behind every image on slider. meaning, user can click on 'flip' button reveal image.

below code have 2 issues:

  1. the first time click flip button, flips image reveal same image. however, when click second time works :).
  2. the flip button works on first image. when swipe right or left flip button doesn't work anymore. help?

note: using fullscreenactivity theme hides ui control until user clicks on image.

package me.zamaaan.wallpaper;  import; import; import me.zamaaan.wallpaper.util.systemuihider; import android.annotation.targetapi; import; import android.content.intent; import; import android.os.bundle; import android.os.handler; import android.os.message; import android.view.motionevent; import android.view.view; import android.widget.imageview; import android.widget.toast; import static; import static me.zamaaan.wallpaper.heavylifter.success; import android.view.view.onclicklistener; import android.view.animation.animation; import android.view.animation.animation.animationlistener; import android.view.animation.animationutils;   import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.list;  /** helper class heavy work of decoding images , setting wallpaper */   /**  * example full-screen activity shows , hides system ui (i.e.  * status bar , navigation/system bar) user interaction.  *   * @see systemuihider  */ public class fullscreenactivity extends activity implements onclicklistener, animationlistener{     /**      * whether or not system ui should auto-hidden after      * {@link #auto_hide_delay_millis} milliseconds.      */     private static final boolean auto_hide = true;     private heavylifter chucknorris;     private animation animation1;     private animation animation2;     private boolean isbackofcardshowing = true;      /*     array ids of images viewpager       */     public integer[] mimageids = {             r.drawable.background1, r.drawable.background2,             r.drawable.background3, r.drawable.background4,             r.drawable.background1, r.drawable.background2,             r.drawable.background1, r.drawable.background2,             r.drawable.background3, r.drawable.background4,             r.drawable.background1, r.drawable.background2,             r.drawable.background3     };     /*     array ids of images flip of each image in viewpager      */     public integer[] mbackids = {             r.drawable.splash, r.drawable.splash,             r.drawable.splash, r.drawable.splash,             r.drawable.splash, r.drawable.splash,             r.drawable.splash, r.drawable.splash,             r.drawable.splash, r.drawable.splash,             r.drawable.splash, r.drawable.splash,             r.drawable.splash     };      /**      * if {@link #auto_hide} set, number of milliseconds wait after      * user interaction before hiding system ui.      */     private static final int auto_hide_delay_millis = 3000;      /**      * if set, toggle system ui visibility upon interaction. otherwise,      * show system ui visibility upon interaction.      */     private static final boolean toggle_on_click = true;      /**      * flags pass {@link systemuihider#getinstance}.      */     private static final int hider_flags = systemuihider.flag_hide_navigation;      /**      * instance of {@link systemuihider} activity.      */     private systemuihider msystemuihider;      /**      * pager widget, handles animation , allows swiping horizontally access previous      * , next wizard steps.      */     private viewpager mpager;      /**      * pager adapter, provides pages view pager widget.      */     private pageradapter mpageradapter;      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);          setcontentview(r.layout.activity_fullscreen);         animation1 = animationutils.loadanimation(this, r.anim.to_middle);         animation1.setanimationlistener(this);         animation2 = animationutils.loadanimation(this, r.anim.from_middle);         animation2.setanimationlistener(this);         findviewbyid(;          // loop through ids create list of full screen image views         imageadapter imageadapter = new imageadapter(this);         list<imageview> images = new arraylist<imageview>();          (int = 0; < imageadapter.getcount(); i++) {             imageview imageview = new imageview(this);             imageview.setid(i);             imageview.setimageresource(imageadapter.mthumbids[i]);             imageview.setscaletype(imageview.scaletype.fit_xy);             images.add(imageview);         }          final view controlsview = findviewbyid(;         final view contentview = findviewbyid(;          // set instance of systemuihider control system ui         // activity.         msystemuihider = systemuihider.getinstance(this, contentview, hider_flags);         msystemuihider.setup();         msystemuihider.setonvisibilitychangelistener(new systemuihider.onvisibilitychangelistener() {                     // cached values.                     int mcontrolsheight;                     int mshortanimtime;                      @override                     @targetapi(build.version_codes.honeycomb_mr2)                     public void onvisibilitychange(boolean visible) {                         if (build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.honeycomb_mr2) {                             // if viewpropertyanimator api available                             // (honeycomb mr2 , later), use animate                             // in-layout ui controls @ bottom of                             // screen.                             if (mcontrolsheight == 0) {                                 mcontrolsheight = controlsview.getheight();                             }                             if (mshortanimtime == 0) {                                 mshortanimtime = getresources().getinteger(                                         android.r.integer.config_shortanimtime);                             }                             controlsview                                     .animate()                                     .translationy(visible ? 0 : mcontrolsheight)                                     .setduration(mshortanimtime);                         } else {                             // if viewpropertyanimator apis aren't                             // available, show or hide in-layout ui                             // controls.                             controlsview.setvisibility(visible ? view.visible                                     : view.gone);                         }                          if (visible && auto_hide) {                             // schedule hide().                             delayedhide(auto_hide_delay_millis);                         }                     }                 });          // set user interaction manually show or hide system ui.         contentview.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view view) {                 if (toggle_on_click) {                     msystemuihider.toggle();                 } else {           ;                 }             }         });          // upon interacting ui controls, delay scheduled hide()         // operations prevent jarring behavior of controls going away         // while interacting ui.         findviewbyid(                 mdelayhidetouchlistener);         findviewbyid(                 mdelayhidetouchlistener);            // create adapter         imagepageradapter imagepageradapter = new imagepageradapter(images);         viewpager viewpager = (viewpager) findviewbyid(;         viewpager.setadapter(imagepageradapter);          // set viewpager point selected image previous activity         // selected image id         int position = getintent().getextras().getint("id");         viewpager.setcurrentitem(position);         //set title of image         this.settitle(imageadapter.mthumbtitles[position]);         // load heavy lifter (goes , work on thread), response after lifters thread         // has finished pass in handler notified when completes         chucknorris = new heavylifter(this, chuckfinishedhandler);      }       @override     public void onclick(view v) {         v.setenabled(false);         ((imageview)findviewbyid(getintent().getextras().getint("id"))).clearanimation();         ((imageview)findviewbyid(getintent().getextras().getint("id"))).setanimation(animation1);         ((imageview)findviewbyid(getintent().getextras().getint("id"))).startanimation(animation1);     }     @override     public void onanimationend(animation animation) {         int = getintent().getextras().getint("id");         if (animation==animation1) {             if (isbackofcardshowing) {                 ((imageview)findviewbyid(i)).setimageresource(mimageids[i]);             } else {                 ((imageview)findviewbyid(i)).setimageresource(mbackids[i]);             }             ((imageview)findviewbyid(getintent().getextras().getint("id"))).clearanimation();             ((imageview)findviewbyid(getintent().getextras().getint("id"))).setanimation(animation2);             ((imageview)findviewbyid(getintent().getextras().getint("id"))).startanimation(animation2);         } else {             isbackofcardshowing=!isbackofcardshowing;             findviewbyid(;         }     }      @override     public void onanimationrepeat(animation animation) {         // todo auto-generated method stub      }      @override     public void onanimationstart(animation animation) {         // todo auto-generated method stub      }     @override     protected void onpostcreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.onpostcreate(savedinstancestate);          // trigger initial hide() shortly after activity has been         // created, briefly hint user ui controls         // available.         delayedhide(100);     }      /**      * touch listener use in-layout ui controls delay hiding      * system ui. prevent jarring behavior of controls going away      * while interacting activity ui.      */     view.ontouchlistener mdelayhidetouchlistener = new view.ontouchlistener() {         @override         public boolean ontouch(view view, motionevent motionevent) {             if (auto_hide) {                 delayedhide(auto_hide_delay_millis);             }             return false;         }     };      handler mhidehandler = new handler();     runnable mhiderunnable = new runnable() {         @override         public void run() {             msystemuihider.hide();         }     };      /**      * schedules call hide() in [delay] milliseconds, canceling      * scheduled calls.      */     private void delayedhide(int delaymillis) {         mhidehandler.removecallbacks(mhiderunnable);         mhidehandler.postdelayed(mhiderunnable, delaymillis);     }      /**      * called xml when save wallpaper button pressed      * thie retrieves id of current image our list      * asks chuck save wallpaper!      * chuckhandler called when operation complete      * @param v      */      public void savewallpaper(view v) {          // intent data         intent = getintent();          // selected image id         int position = i.getextras().getint("id");         imageadapter imageadapter = new imageadapter(this);        // show toast message on successful save         if(chucknorris.saveresourceaswallpaper(imageadapter.mthumbids[position])){             toast.maketext(fullscreenactivity.this, "image saved zamaaanwallpaper folder", toast.length_short).show();         }         else{             toast.maketext(fullscreenactivity.this, "image couldn't saved, try again", toast.length_short).show();         }      }      /**      * called xml when set wallpaper button pressed      * thie retrieves id of current image our list      * asks chuck set wallpaper!      * chuckhandler called when operation complete      * @param v      */     public void setaswallpaper(view v) {          // intent data         intent = getintent();          // selected image id         int position = i.getextras().getint("id");         imageadapter imageadapter = new imageadapter(this);          chucknorris.setresourceaswallpaper(imageadapter.mthumbids[position]);     }      /**      * handler notified when heavylifter finished doing operation      */     private handler chuckfinishedhandler = new handler(){         @override         public void handlemessage(message msg) {             switch(msg.what){             case success:                 toast.maketext(fullscreenactivity.this, "wallpaper set", toast.length_short).show();                 break;             case fail:                 toast.maketext(fullscreenactivity.this, "wallper not set, try again", toast.length_short).show();                 break;             default:                 super.handlemessage(msg);             }         }     };        } 

i fixed issues. had :

  1. change boolean isbackofcardshowing array of boolean each page , intialize false.
  2. use viewpager.getcurrentitem() position of current page instead of doing.


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