knitr doesn't convert xtable output on R 3.0.2 -

i create tex table using xtable(). here's minimal example worked when used same r version on win 7.

\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,twoside]{article}  \begin{document}  <<load-packages,include=true,echo=true>>= library(xtable) @  <<testing-xtable,echo=true,cache=false,include=true>>= tab <- matrix(1:50,nrow=10) rownames(tab) <- letters[1:10]  print(   xtable(     x=tab,     caption="a table",     label="tab",     align=rep("c",times=6),     digits=3,     display=rep("f",times=6)     ),    sanitize.colnames.function=identity,   include.rownames=false,   table.placement="h"   ) @ \end{document} 

instead of nice table verbatim code output of xlatex() in pdf document.

here's output of knitr:

> grdevices::pdf.options(usedingbats = false); require(knitr); opts_knit$set(concordance     = true); knit('xtable.rnw', encoding='utf-8') loading required package: knitr   processing file: xtable.rnw   |.............                                                    |  20%   ordinary text without r code    |..........................                                       |  40% label: load-packages (with options)  list of 2  $ include: logi true  $ echo   : logi true    |.......................................                          |  60%   ordinary text without r code    |....................................................             |  80% label: testing-xtable (with options)  list of 3  $ echo   : logi true  $ cache  : logi false  $ include: logi true    |.................................................................| 100%   ordinary text without r code   output file: xtable.tex  [1] "xtable.tex" >  >  running pdflatex on xtable.tex...completed  created pdf:             ~/dropbox/intern/sandbox(coding)/tex/chapter/chapter/sandbox/xtable/xtable.pdf  issues: 2 badboxes 

the code chunk testing-xtable should echoed in final document isn't. this pdf output. i'm suspicious message ordinary text without r code. normal?

any appreciated.

use chunk option results='asis'.


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