html5 - PHP fwrite() not writing anything to file, but no errors given -

i writing contents of html5 text area file on local server using php. have included checks fileexists, fileiswritable , fileisreadble , pass, no text appears in target file.


<form id = "notesform" action = "notes.php" method = "post">         <textarea id = "textarea" name = "text"></textarea>         <button type="submit" value="save"> save</button> </form> 


$filename = 'file://localhost/library/webserver/documents/notes/test.txt'; $somecontent =  $_post["text"];    if (is_readable($filename)) {                 echo "<br />the file readable...<br />";         } else {                 echo "<br />the file not readable...<br />";         }          if (is_writable($filename)) {                 echo "the file writable...<br />";         } else {                 echo "the file not writable...<br />";         }          if (file_exists($filename)) {                  echo "file exists...<br />";         } else {                 echo "file cannot found...<br />";         }       // make sure file exists , writable first.     if (is_writable($filename)) {          if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'r')) {              echo "cannot open file ($filename)";              exit;         }          // write $somecontent our opened file.         if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === false) {             echo "cannot write file ($filename)";             exit;         }          echo "success, wrote ($somecontent) file ($filename)";          fclose($handle);      } else {         echo "the file $filename not writable";     } 

file readable...
file writable...
file exists...
success, wrote ( gfnhfghgf) file (file://localhost/library/webserver/documents/notes/test.txt)

the file test.txt appears empty, can see problem is?


you opening file in readonly mode ('r').


fopen($filename, 'w') 


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