javascript - Internet explorer 11 Angularjs + NodeJS + Mongoose issue -

i'm developping website angularjs framework in front end , nodejs backend , mongoose persist data mongodb database.

in firefox rs v.24 , chrome ok, when add user database, new user displayed automatically list grid.

but in ie 11 doesn't until close browser , open .

when add new profile, following in controller:

    $scope.addprofil = function() {      $'/ajouterprofils', $scope.profil)         .success(function(data) {              $scope.profilflag = data; /*unit tests*/             $scope.lastdocid = data._id;             $scope.ajouterprofiltag($scope.lastdocid);             $scope.profil = {};             $scope.tagstyles.length = 0;             $scope.tagstyles = [];             $scope.colorlist = {};             angular.element($('.shown-text-add').text($('.shown-text-add').text()));             angular.element($('.shown-text-add').css('font-family', ''));             angular.element($('.shown-text-add').css('font-size', ''));             angular.element($('.shown-text-add').css('line-height', ''));             angular.element($('.shown-text-add').css('font-weight', ''));             settimeout( function(){$('#addpanel').show();} );             settimeout( function(){$('#addpanel').fadeout();}, 2500);             }); }; 

in dao, have :

    /**  * add profile  */ exports.createprofile = function(req, res) {   var profile = new profil(req.body); {     if (err) {       return res.send('users/signup', {         errors: err.errors,         profile: profile       });     } else {        res.jsonp(profile);     }   }); }; 

any ideas ? feedbacks ?

as commented, use directives , data binding rather dom manipulation. problem data there when reload browser, issue not server side components.


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