python - Tkinter Text widget - identify line by y-coord -

is there method identify row/column in tkinter.text widget in tkinter? mean methods identify_row(event.y) , identify_column(event.x).

i want highlight line bellow cursor , need work disabled text widget.

i thinking of getting height , count line number current y coord , height of line, thought, there might better way.

so, there? thank advice.

found it, works me:

def __onlclicked(self, event):     linestart = self.index("@{0},{1} linestart".format(event.x, event.y))     lineend = self.index("{} lineend".format(linestart))      self.tag_remove("current_line", 1.0, "end")     self.tag_add("current_line", linestart, lineend) 

only 1 detail, unfortunately doesn't higlight lines same, because each line has different length. if knows how highlight full 'width' (the length of longes line guess) every line without adding spaces...that'd great!


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