Cassandra not picking up file -

i starting cassandra instance own start script sets cassandra_conf directory (which outside of cassandra_home directory).

export cassandra_conf=/path/to/conf cassandra -f -dcassandra.config=file://path/to/yaml 

when process begins, noticed logs not respecting file. after further investigation, seems though file not being picked though reference appears in command line arguments generated cassandra: 

in script, output contents of file make sure @ least reading right place , was. there configuration option i'm missing makes cassandra read file?

which version running? if you're running 2.1+ (which not stable build), there has been switch log4j logback, , old configuration files no longer affect anything.

logback configured through xml files, , argument you'd have use -dlogback.configurationfile=logback.xml

more details switch here.

here example config checked in.

<configuration scan="true">    <appender name="file" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.rollingfileappender">     <file>/var/log/cassandra/system.log</file>     <rollingpolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.fixedwindowrollingpolicy">       <filenamepattern>/var/log/cassandra/</filenamepattern>       <minindex>1</minindex>       <maxindex>20</maxindex>     </rollingpolicy>      <triggeringpolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.sizebasedtriggeringpolicy">       <maxfilesize>20mb</maxfilesize>     </triggeringpolicy>     <encoder>       <pattern>%-5level [%thread] %date{iso8601} %f:%l - %msg%n</pattern>       <!-- old-style log format       <pattern>%5level [%thread] %date{iso8601} %f (line %l) %msg%n</pattern>       -->     </encoder>   </appender>    <appender name="stdout" class="ch.qos.logback.core.consoleappender">     <encoder>       <pattern>%-5level %date{hh:mm:ss,sss} %msg%n</pattern>     </encoder>   </appender>    <root level="info">     <appender-ref ref="file" />     <appender-ref ref="stdout" />   </root>    <logger name="com.thinkaurelius.thrift" level="error"/> </configuration> 


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