java - Cannot export Interface in OSGI -

i trying export interface (itestrunable) sure have linked correctly in context.xml , osgi.xml files wont work. error is:

application context initialization 'me.overlaymanagement' has timed out waiting (objectclass=me.overlaymanagement.testing.itestrunable)

any got idea?

code: spring files itestrunable


  <bean id="testingrunable"   class="me.overlaymanagement.testing.testing" init-method="startup" destroy-method="shutdown">   </bean> 


<osgi:service id="testingrunable" ref="testingrunable">     <osgi:interfaces>       <value>me.overlaymanagement.testing.itestrunable</value>     </osgi:interfaces>  </osgi:service> 

spring files import main system


<bean id="overlaymanagementsystem"      class="me.overlaymanagementsystem.overlaymanagementsystem"     init-method="startup" destroy-method="shutdown">     <property name="testingrunable" ref="testingrunable"/>  </bean> 


<osgi:reference id="testingrunable" cardinality="1..1"   interface="me.overlaymanagement.testing.itestrunable">       </osgi:reference> 

gettors , settors itestrunable within main system

public class overlaymanagementsystem{      ...     protected itestrunable testingrunable;     ....     public itestrunable gettestrunable() {     return testingrunable;     }         public void settestrunable(itestrunable testingrunable) {     this.testingrunable = testingrunable;     }  } 

can see problem?

ok managed find poblem. 2 things actually:

  1. it didnt had set bean id , service id itestrunable code located. once changed service id name different gave me new error invalid gettors , settors, next point.

  2. after research found gettor , setter imported service must same beans property name service. notice in bean its:

    < property name="testingrunable" .../>

and get/set defined as: "gettestrunable/settestrunable". changing these gettestingrunable , settestingrunable solved problem me.

i hope helps others.


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