java - inserting values in to SqlLite database. Android -

i learning android development through video tutorials.

using idea in tutorial. have created own class, database handler ( file , ( file. these files working perfectly.

my aim add values database table. once main activity ( loads. want know how add values table in file on create event code.

can 1 me. thank you..

here codes.. file

        package lk.adspace.jaffnadb;          import java.util.arraylist;           import android.content.contentvalues;         import android.content.context;         import android.database.cursor;         import android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase;          import android.database.sqlite.sqliteopenhelper;         import android.util.log;          public class dbhandler extends sqliteopenhelper  {               private static final int database_version = 1;              // database name             private static final string database_name = "jaffnatempletest";              // temple table name             private static final string table_temple = "templ";               // contacts table columns names             private static final string key_id = "id";             private static final string key_tmpname = "temple_name";             private static final string key_tmptype = "temple_type";             private static final string key_latitude = "latitude";             private static final string key_longitude = "longitude";             private static final string key_imgname = "image_name";             private static final string key_yearbuild = "year_build";             private static final string key_address = "address";             private static final string key_city = "city";             private static final string key_email = "email";             private static final string key_web = "website";             private static final string key_tel1 = "telephone1";             private static final string key_tel2 = "telephone2";             private static final string key_descri = "description";             private final arraylist<kovil> temple_list = new arraylist<kovil>();               public dbhandler (context context) {             super(context, database_name, null, database_version);             }                // creating tables             @override             public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) {             string create_temple_table = "create table " + table_temple + "("                 + key_id + " integer primary key autoincrement not null," + key_tmpname + " text," + key_tmptype + " text," + key_latitude + " text," + key_longitude + " text," + key_imgname + " text,"                 + key_yearbuild + " text," + key_address + " text," + key_city + " text," + key_email + " text," + key_web + " text," + key_tel1 + " text," + key_tel2 + " text,"                 + key_descri + " text" + ")";             db.execsql(create_temple_table);             }               // upgrading database             @override             public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) {             // drop older table if existed             db.execsql("drop table if exists " + table_temple);              // create tables again             oncreate(db);             }                // adding new temple             public void add_temple(kovil kovil) {             sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();             contentvalues values = new contentvalues();              values.put(key_tmpname, kovil.gettemplename());              values.put(key_tmptype, kovil.gettempletype());              values.put(key_latitude, kovil.getlatitude());              values.put(key_longitude, kovil.getlongitude());              values.put(key_imgname, kovil.getimage_name());              values.put(key_yearbuild, kovil.getyear_build());              values.put(key_address, kovil.getaddress());              values.put(key_city, kovil.getcity());              values.put(key_email, kovil.getemail());              values.put(key_web, kovil.getwebsite());              values.put(key_tel1, kovil.gettelephone1());              values.put(key_tel2, kovil.gettelephone2());             values.put(key_descri, kovil.getdescription());              // inserting row             db.insert(table_temple, null, values);             db.close(); // closing database connection             }                   // getting single contact             kovil get_temple(int id) {             sqlitedatabase db = this.getreadabledatabase();              cursor cursor = db.query(table_temple, new string[] { key_id,                     key_tmpname, key_tmptype, key_latitude, key_longitude, key_imgname, key_yearbuild, key_address, key_city, key_email, key_email, key_web, key_tel1, key_tel2, key_descri }, key_id + "=?",                 new string[] { string.valueof(id) }, null, null, null, null);             if (cursor != null)                 cursor.movetofirst();              kovil kovil = new kovil(integer.parseint(cursor.getstring(0)),                 cursor.getstring(1), cursor.getstring(2), cursor.getstring(3), cursor.getstring(4), cursor.getstring(5), cursor.getstring(6), cursor.getstring(7), cursor.getstring(8), cursor.getstring(9), cursor.getstring(10), cursor.getstring(11), cursor.getstring(12), cursor.getstring(13));             // return contact             cursor.close();             db.close();              return kovil;             }                  // getting contacts             public arraylist<kovil> get_temple() {             try {                 temple_list.clear();                  // select query                 string selectquery = "select  * " + table_temple;                  sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();                 cursor cursor = db.rawquery(selectquery, null);                  // looping through rows , adding list                 if (cursor.movetofirst()) {                 {                     kovil kovil = new kovil();                     kovil.setid(integer.parseint(cursor.getstring(0)));                     kovil.settemplename(cursor.getstring(1));                      kovil.settempletype(cursor.getstring(2));                      kovil.setlatitude(cursor.getstring(3));                      kovil.setlongitude(cursor.getstring(4));                      kovil.setimage_name(cursor.getstring(5));                      kovil.setyear_build(cursor.getstring(6));                      kovil.setaddress(cursor.getstring(7));                      kovil.setcity(cursor.getstring(8));                      kovil.setemail(cursor.getstring(9));                      kovil.setwebsite(cursor.getstring(10));                      kovil.settelephone1(cursor.getstring(11));                      kovil.settelephone2(cursor.getstring(12));                     kovil.setdescription(cursor.getstring(13));                        // adding contact list                     temple_list.add(kovil);                 } while (cursor.movetonext());                 }                  // return contact list                 cursor.close();                 db.close();                 return temple_list;             } catch (exception e) {                 // todo: handle exception                 log.e("all_temples", "" + e);             }              return temple_list;             }            } file

        package lk.adspace.jaffnadb;          public class kovil {              //public variables             public int _id;             public string _temple_name;             public string _temple_type;             public string _latitude;             public string _longitude;             public string _image_name;             public string _year_build;             public string _address;             public string _city;             public string _email;             public string _website;             public string _telephone1;             public string _telephone2;             public string _description;              //empty constructor             public kovil (){              }               // int id, string temple_name, string temple_type, string latitude,  string longitude, string image_name, string year_build, string address, string city, string email, string website, string telephone1, string telephone2,  string description               public kovil(int id, string temple_name, string temple_type, string latitude,  string longitude, string image_name, string year_build, string address,                      string city, string email, string website, string telephone1, string telephone2,  string description) {                 // todo auto-generated constructor stub                      this._id= id;                   this._temple_name=temple_name;                   this._temple_type=temple_type;                   this._latitude=latitude;                   this._longitude=longitude;                   this._image_name=image_name;                   this._year_build=year_build;                   this._address=address;                   this._city=city;                   this._email=email;                   this._website=website;                   this._telephone1=telephone1;                   this._telephone2=telephone2;                   this._description=description;              }                       public int getid() {                     return this._id;                     }                       public void setid(int id) {                     this._id = id;                     }                       public string gettemplename() {                     return this._temple_name;                     }                       public void settemplename(string temple_name) {                     this._temple_name=temple_name;                     }                      public string gettempletype() {                     return this._temple_type;                     }                       public void settempletype(string temple_type) {                     this._temple_type=temple_type;                     }                      public string getlatitude() {                     return this._latitude;                     }                       public void setlatitude(string latitude) {                         this._latitude=latitude;                     }                      public string getlongitude() {                     return this._longitude;                     }                       public void setlongitude(string longitude) {                         this._longitude=longitude;                     }                       public string getimage_name() {                     return this._image_name;                     }                       public void setimage_name(string image_name) {                         this._image_name=image_name;                     }                      public string getyear_build() {                     return this._year_build;                     }                       public void setyear_build(string year_build) {                         this._year_build=year_build;                     }                       public string getaddress() {                     return this._address;                     }                       public void setaddress(string address) {                         this._address=address;                     }                      public string getcity() {                     return this._city;                     }                       public void setcity(string city) {                         this._city=city;                     }                       public string getemail() {                     return this._email;                     }                       public void setemail(string email) {                         this._email=email;                     }                       public string getwebsite() {                     return this._website;                     }                       public void setwebsite(string website) {                         this._website=website;                     }                       public string gettelephone1() {                     return this._telephone1;                     }                       public void settelephone1(string telephone1) {                         this._telephone1=telephone1;                     }                      public string gettelephone2() {                     return this._telephone2;                     }                       public void settelephone2(string telephone2) {                         this._telephone2=telephone2;                     }                       public string getdescription() {                     return this._description;                     }                       public void setdescription(string description) {                         this._description=description;                     }           } file

        package lk.adspace.jaffnadb;          import android.os.bundle;         import;         import;          public class mainactivity extends activity {               dbhandler dbhand = new dbhandler(this);                 @override             protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {                 super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);                 setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);                    }              @override             public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) {                 // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present.                 getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu);                 return true;             }          } 

you created database, table insert method. whats problem in inserting.

        @override         protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {             super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);             setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);               //define , initialize kovil constructor appropriate arguments.             kovil insertdata = new kovil(your_id, temple_name, temple_type, latitude,  longitude, image_name, year_build, address,                  city, email, website, telephone1, telephone2,  description);             dbhandler dbhand = new dbhandler(this);              dbhand .add_temple(insertdata );          } 


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