Linked List and Double Linked List -

as part of university work need understand linked list code have been given. having problems insert method-the part deals general case-as code below:

//in general case, need chain down linked list     //from head until find location new     //list node. if reach end of list before finding     //the specified location, know given index out     //of range , throw exception.     else {       node nodepointer = listhead;       int = 1;       while (i < index) {         nodepointer =;         += 1;         if (nodepointer == null) {           throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range");         }       }        //now we've found node before position of       //new one, 'hook in' new node. = new node(o,; 

the problem having can see method inserts node , makes point next node, node replaced. far can see there has been no change node replaced, meaning there 2 nodes pointing same next.node. mis understanding this, or happens? if so, not seem logical me there ae 2 nodes pointing single node. if not case, @ point in code change pointer previous node

the whole code below:

class sequencelistexception extends exception {   sequencelistexception() {     super();   }   sequencelistexception(string s) {     super(s);   } }  /**  * <dl>  * <dt>purpose: implementation of sequence adt.  * <dd>  *  * <dt>description:  * <dd>this class implementation of sequence using linked list  * underlying data structure. capacity therefore unlimited ,  * overflow not need checked.  * </dl>  *  * @author danny alexander  * @version $date: 2000/01/08  */  public class sequencelist {   /**    * member class node encapsulates nodes of linked list in    * stack stored. each node contains data item ,    * reference node - next in linked list.    */   protected class node {      public node(object o) {       this(o, null);     }      public node(object o, node n) {       datum = o;       next = n;     }      //the node data structure consists of 2 object references.     //one datum contained in node , other     //the next node in list.      protected object datum;     protected node next;   }    //we use object references head , tail of list (the head   //and tail of sequence, respectively).   private node listhead;   private node listtail;    //only require single constructor, sets both object   //references null.   /**    * constructs empty sequence object.    */   public sequencelist() {     listhead = null;     listtail = null;   }    /**    * adds new item @ start of sequence.    */   public void insertfirst(object o) {     //there special case when sequence empty.     //then both head , tail pointers needs     //initialised reference new node.     if (listhead == null) {       listhead = new node(o, listhead);       listtail = listhead;     }      //in general case, add new node @ start     //of list via head pointer.     else {       listhead = new node(o, listhead);     }   }    /**    * adds new item @ end of sequence.    */   public void insertlast(object o) {     //there special case when sequence empty.     //then both head , tail pointers needs     //initialised reference new node.     if (listhead == null) {       listhead = new node(o, listhead);       listtail = listhead;     }      //in general case, add new node end     //of list via tail pointer.     else { = new node(o,;       listtail =;     }   }    /**    * adds new item @ specified position in sequence.    */   public void insert(object o, int index) throws sequencelistexception {      //check index positive.     if (index < 0) {       throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range");     }      //there special case when sequence empty.     //then both head , tail pointers needs     //initialised reference new node.     if (listhead == null) {       if (index == 0) {         listhead = new node(o, listhead);         listtail = listhead;       } else {         throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range");       }     }      //there special case insertion @ head of     //the sequence.     else if (index == 0) {       listhead = new node(o, listhead);     }      //in general case, need chain down linked list     //from head until find location new     //list node. if reach end of list before finding     //the specified location, know given index out     //of range , throw exception.     else {       node nodepointer = listhead;       int = 1;       while (i < index) {         nodepointer =;         += 1;         if (nodepointer == null) {           throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range");         }       }        //now we've found node before position of       //new one, 'hook in' new node. = new node(o,;        //finally need check tail pointer       //correct. special case occurs if new       //node inserted @ end, in case, need       //to update tail pointer.       if (nodepointer == listtail) {         listtail =;       }     }   }    /**    * removes item @ start of sequence.    */   public void deletefirst() throws sequencelistexception {     //check there in sequence delete.     if (listhead == null) {       throw new sequencelistexception("sequence underflow");     }      //there special case when there 1 item in     //sequence. both pointers need reset null.     if ( == null) {       listhead = null;       listtail = null;     }      //in general case, unlink first node of     //list.     else {       listhead =;     }   }    /**    * removes item @ end of sequence.    */   public void deletelast() throws sequencelistexception {     //check there in sequence delete.     if (listhead == null) {       throw new sequencelistexception("sequence underflow");     }      //there special case when there 1 item in     //sequence. both pointers need reset null.     if ( == null) {       listhead = null;       listtail = null;     }      //in general case, need chain way down     //list in order reset link of second last     //element null.     else {       node nodepointer = listhead;       while ( != listtail) {         nodepointer =;       }        //unlink last node , reset tail pointer. = null;       listtail = nodepointer;     }   }    /**    * removes item @ specified position in sequence.    */   public void delete(int index) throws sequencelistexception {     //check there in sequence delete.     if (listhead == null) {       throw new sequencelistexception("sequence underflow");     }      //check index positive.     if (index < 0) {       throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range");     }      //there special case when there 1 item in     //sequence. both pointers need reset null.     if ( == null) {       if (index == 0) {         listhead = null;         listtail = null;       } else {         throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range.");       }     }      //there special case when first element has     //be removed.      else if (index == 0) {       deletefirst();     }      //in general case, need chain down list find     //the node in indexed position.     else {       node nodepointer = listhead;       int = 1;       while (i < index) {         nodepointer =;         += 1;         if ( == null) {           throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range");         }        }        //unlink node , reset tail pointer if       //node last one.       if ( == listtail) {         listtail = nodepointer;       } =;     }   }    /**    * returns item @ start of sequence.    */   public object first() throws sequencelistexception {     if (listhead != null) {       return listhead.datum;     } else {       throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range");     }   }    /**    * returns item @ end of sequence.    */   public object last() throws sequencelistexception {     if (listtail != null) {       return listtail.datum;     } else {       throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range");     }   }    /**    * returns item @ specified position in sequence.    */   public object element(int index) throws sequencelistexception {     //check index positive.     if (index < 0) {       throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range");     }      //we need chain down list until reach indexed     //position      node nodepointer = listhead;     int = 0;     while (i < index) {       if ( == null) {         throw new sequencelistexception("indexed element out of range");       } else {         nodepointer =;         += 1;       }     }      return nodepointer.datum;   }    /**    * tests whether there items in sequence.    */   public boolean empty() {     return (listhead == null);   }    /**    * returns number of items in sequence.    */   public int size() {     //chain down list counting elements      node nodepointer = listhead;     int size = 0;     while (nodepointer != null) {       size += 1;       nodepointer =;     }     return size;   }    /**    * empties sequence.    */   public void clear() {     listhead = null;     listtail = null;   }   } 

this line of code takes care of both creating new node, pointing next link, , making previous node point new node: = new node(o,; 

first, new node(o, creates new node , point next node in line. reference newly created node assigned

to clarify, asked:

"as far can see there has been no change node replaced"

nodepointer reference node directly before index, node being "replaced".


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