c# - Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd 500 (Internal Server Error) -

i trying deploy c# .net 4.5 application on iis7 uses telerik ui. reason getting following error when navigate login page

get http://localhost/dev/3pt_upgrade/portal/automation_framework/telerik.web.ui.webresource.axd 500 (internal server error)  

i have tried on the telerik web resources troubleshooting guide

in web.config have

<system.webserver>     <validation validateintegratedmodeconfiguration="false"/>     <modules runallmanagedmodulesforallrequests="true">         ...     </modules>     <handlers>         <add path="scriptresource.axd" verb="get,head" type="system.web.handlers.scriptresourcehandler, system.web.extensions, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" validate="false"/>             <add name="telerik.web.ui.webresource" path="telerik.web.ui.webresource.axd" verb="*" type="telerik.web.ui.webresource, telerik.web.ui, version=2013.3.1114.35, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=121fae78165ba3d4"/>     </handlers> </system.webserver> 

any insight on matter appreciated.

use fiddler see error thrown inside .axd call. in case bad path telerik.common.css file.


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