javascript - AngularJS Routing Issue with named groups -

i have basic application runing localy using apache/wamp etc. setup fine, , i've built quite few apps using , angularjs.

previous apps used ui-router route/state build. app i'm building using normal ngroute , ng-view.

issue: using $routeprovider setup 2 routes.

app.js ( basic setup angular-route added scripts , "ngroute" added deps )

$locationprovider.html5mode(true);  $routeprovider.when("/", {template: "<div>home</div> <a href='/single'>single</a> | <a href='/page/34'>page 34</a>"}); $routprovider.when("/single", {template: "<div>single</div>"}); $routprovider.when("/page/:pageid", {template: "<div>page</div>"}); $routeprovider.otherwise("/"); 


rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewriterule ^ index.php [l] 

when run app "/" ok. using anchors app switch views no issues

when start app @ "/single" fine

when start app @ "/page/34" module error stating module "application" wasn't loaded...weird. routes named groups or longer straight page, e.g. /page/something don't work. doesn't matter route is.

i'm perplexed.

thanks clarification.

is there i'm missing? can't figure out why doesn't work.

fell prey bug. see post:

do mean have html5mode(true);?

this expects server know no matter path requested, index file should served angular can handle real routing on front end. remove line , notice #/ in path


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