php - MySQLi fetch error -

i trying move mysql_query mysqli_query @ moment error:

warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 mysqli_result, object given in

i searched google nothing helped me. maybe here able to!

this code:


$objconnect = mysqli_connect("localhost","konstyle","root", "konstyle") or die(mysqli_error()); 

sql query:

$objquery_category = mysqli_query($objconnect, $sql_category) or die ("error query [".$sql_category."]"); 

fetch array:

while($objresult = mysqli_fetch_array($objconnect, $objquery_category)) 

why getting error/warning?

you need lose $objconnect when fetching. should work:

while($objresult = mysqli_fetch_array($objquery_category)) 

this straight manual:

mixed mysqli_fetch_array ( mysqli_result $result [, int $resulttype = mysqli_both ] )

two arguments: 1st mysqli_result , optional result type.

the reason connection "saved" within $objquery_category after line: $objquery_category = mysqli_query($objconnect, $sql_category)


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