xml - Scala – companion object & apply: non understandable error -

i can't create class representing xml parsed document, using companion object.

here code of class:

package models  import javax.xml.bind.element import scala.xml.elem import javax.xml.validation.schemafactory import javax.xml.transform.stream.streamsource   trait myxml {  case class elémentxml(code_xml: scala.xml.elem) {  def validate: boolean = {  try ({   val schemalang = "http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema"   val factory = schemafactory.newinstance(schemalang)   val schema = factory.newschema(new streamsource("sites_types_libelles.xsd"))   val validator = schema.newvalidator()   validator.validate(new streamsource(code_xml.tostring))   true }) catch {   case t:throwable => false } }    }  object elémentxml {  def apply(fichier: string) {    try{   val xml_chargé = xml.xml.loadfile(fichier)   some(new elémentxml(xml_chargé))   }catch{     case e:throwable => none   } } }  } 

and here code app using class:

val xml1:elémentxml = elémentxml("app/models/exemple_bon.xml") xml1 must not beequalto(none) 

the error is:

type mismatch; found : string("app/models/exemple_bon.xml") required:   scala.xml.elem 

i don't understand error(and how can remove this).


your apply method procedure. amend apply(fichier: string): elémentxml = ....

the overload synthetic case apply resolved expected type.

this why procedure syntax deprecated:

apm@mara:~/tmp$ scala -xfuture -deprecation welcome scala version 2.11.0-20140129-135431-0e578e6931 (openjdk 64-bit server vm, java 1.7.0_25). type in expressions have them evaluated. type :help more information.  scala> def f() { } <console>:1: warning: procedure syntax deprecated. convert procedure `f` method adding `: unit =`.        def f() { }                ^ <console>:7: warning: procedure syntax deprecated. convert procedure `f` method adding `: unit =`.        def f() { }                ^ f: ()unit 

one curious effect of last line works value discard:

scala> :pa // entering paste mode (ctrl-d finish)  case class c(c: int) object c { def apply(s: string): unit = c(s.toint) }  // exiting paste mode, interpreting.  defined class c defined object c  scala> c(4) res2: c = c(4)  scala> c("4")  scala> val x: c = c(4) x: c = c(4)  scala> val x: c = c("4") <console>:11: error: type mismatch;  found   : string("4")  required: int        val x: c = c("4")                     ^  scala> val x: unit = c("4") x: unit = ()  scala> val x: unit = c(4)  // works silently x: unit = () 


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