ios - UINavigationController back button title inconsistent? -

i use uinavigationcontroller in app , having issue button titles. have title programmatically set page push to. on of pages button correctly display previous pages title, on select other pages says 'back'.

i have basic implementation on pushing new vc:

- (void)pushtonewvc {     newvc *newvc = [[newvc alloc] init];     [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:newvc animated:yes]; } 

in viewdidload of newvc/all of myvc's have self.title = @"title".

the problem in cases works, in others in 'back' rather previous pages title.

i've noticed similar behavior if button's title length won't fit in navigation bar title of pushed vc, button's title fallback < back.

on vcs inconsistent behavior happening, try setting title of pushing vc shorter word test , confirm if indeed what's happening. hope helps.


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