jquery - Ajax form attributes are removed when accessing application through reverse proxy -

i have vb.net mvc 4 application functions correctly locally , on server. using apache reverse proxy provide access of our applications, , when implemented this, form attributes generated via ajaxoptions removed.

in example:

<% using (ajax.beginform("getadminsearchresults", "initiationsearchresults", new ajaxoptions {.httpmethod = "post", .onsuccess = "updateplaceholder", .updatetargetid = "lstsearchresults"}, new {.id = "frmsearch"}))%> 

without reverse proxy, html generated is:

<form action="/initiationsearchresults/getadminsearchresults?length=23" data-ajax="true" data-ajax-method="post" data-ajax-mode="replace" data-ajax-success="updateplaceholder" data-ajax-update="#lstsearchresults" id="frmsearch" method="post"> 

but reverse proxy:

<form action="/initiationsearchresults/getadminsearchresults?length=23" id="frmsearch" method="post"> 

this of course causes view return data full page rather target div. if form tag hard-coded on view, reverse proxy ends removing data-ajax attributes. way i've been able attributes remain setting them via jquery after page loaded. i've been scouring internet , have had 0 success in figuring out why happening. assistance in appreciated. perhaps setting needs changed or added reverse proxy configuration?

loadmodule proxy_module         /usr/lib/apache2-prefork/mod_proxy.so loadmodule proxy_http_module    /usr/lib/apache2-prefork/mod_proxy_http.so loadmodule proxy_html_module    /usr/lib/apache2/mod_proxy_html.so loadmodule rewrite_module       /usr/lib/apache2/mod_rewrite.so loadmodule headers_module       /usr/lib/apache2-prefork/mod_headers.so loadmodule substitute_module    /usr/lib/apache2/mod_substitute.so loadmodule proxy_balancer_module        /usr/lib/apache2/mod_proxy_balancer.so  namevirtualhost namevirtualhost  <virtualhost>  errordocument 404 /unknown.html  sslengine on  sslcertificatefile /cert/wildcard.crt sslcertificatekeyfile /cert/wildcard.key sslcertificatechainfile /cert/lawson_root.crt sslcertificatechainfile /cert/entrust_l1e_chain_bundle.crt  servername qa-initiation.company.com sslproxyengine on proxyreceivebuffersize 4096 proxyrequests off  proxyhtmllinks                href proxyhtmllinks  area            href proxyhtmllinks  link            href proxyhtmllinks  img             src longdesc usemap proxyhtmllinks  object          classid codebase data usemap proxyhtmllinks  q               cite proxyhtmllinks  blockquote      cite proxyhtmllinks  ins             cite proxyhtmllinks  del             cite proxyhtmllinks  form            action proxyhtmllinks  input           src usemap proxyhtmllinks  head            profile proxyhtmllinks  base            href proxyhtmllinks  script          src  proxyhtmlevents onclick ondblclick onmousedown onmouseup \         onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress \                 onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur onload \                 onunload onsubmit onreset onselect onchange  proxyhtmldoctype html proxyhtmlenable on proxyhtmlextended on  header add access-control-allow-origin https://qa-oe.company.com  proxypassmatch (?i)^/(.*) https://onlineinit.companyqa.local/ proxypass / https://onlineinit.companyqa.local/ proxypassreverse / https://onlineinit.companyqa.local/ proxyhtmlurlmap https://www.companyqa.local https://qa-oe.company.com l  </virtualhost> 

sorry doesn't solve problem might useful.

apache's mod_proxy_html rewrites html , strips attributes doesn't recognize. example,

<p style="color:white;" test="test"></p> 

translates into

<p style="color:white;"></p> 

after passes through reverse proxy. reverse proxy adds doctype, , wraps content in html , body tags, if not present.

i haven't found way avoid except turning off html rewriting on file/folder. did turn off pages breaking, , used relative links in pages:

<location /path/to/badly/rewriten/stuff/> setoutputfilter none </location> 

if there better way this, i'd know too!


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