python - Getting maximum and minimum of OpenStreetMap map -

i downloaded 1 single city corresponding openstreetmap data. want maximum , minimum values latitude , longitude. how can that?

my approach following:

import osmread osm #... def _parse_map(self):     geo = [(, entity.lon) entity in osm.parse_file('map.osm') if isinstance(entity, osm.node)]     return max(geo[0]), min(geo[0]), max(geo[1]), min(geo[1]) 

but when print these values don't think right. when downloaded area openstreetmap site had white area indicating region exporting. , area got minimum , maximum values latitude , longitude. , these values arent fitting ones simple script.

what doing wrong?

return max(geo[0]), min(geo[0]), max(geo[1]), min(geo[1]) 

you taking extrema of first , second element of geo. geo list of 2-tuples. first element geo[0] 2-tuple consisting of , entity.lon first node. therefore choosing min/max of latitude , longitude 1 node.

if want feed first (second) element of each tuple in list aggregate function, have choose these. example generator:

return max(x[0] x in geo), min(x[0] x in geo), max(x[1] x in geo), min(x[1] x in geo) 


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