java - Scala parse a JSON into a Map alternatives -

i'm looking alternatives scala json.parsefull(jsonstring). i'm using scala json convert jsonstring map[string,any] takes long convert map, , build java object it. jsonstring long json response.

do know fastest ways convert jsonstring map[string, any] can patternmatching after that?

here goes code json.parsefull():

override def parse(in: string): responseobject = {  val json: option[any] = json.parsefull(in) json match {   case some(value) =>     val map: map[string, any] = value.asinstanceof[map[string, any]]     //json root     val data: map[string, any] = map.get("data").get.asinstanceof[map[string, any]]     //populate psmsearchresponse       val response: responseobject = new responseobject     //mapping base properties     response.sethash(data.get("hash").get.asinstanceof[string])     //call "transformtopsmitem" function map each searchitem     val items: list[responseobjectitem] = data.get("items").get.asinstanceof[list[any]] map { itemparser.transformtoresponseobjectitemitem }     response.setitems(new arraylist(items.asjavacollection))      //return complete psmsearchresponse     response    case (none) => null } 

i have tried lift-json i'm using scala 2.10 cant make work.

val record = json.jsonparser.parse(json) val json : option[any] = record.values.asinstanceof[map[string, any]] 

i'm getting error incompatibility of scala version (2.10) , json-lift version.

i know if worth trying libraries , dealing problems little time improvement... if knows fastes way please tell me.

thanks !


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