Select all by type: Geometry. Equivalent Python script? -

i trying find right code make maya select geometry objects in scene. tried echo command while doing operation , this:

selectallgeometry; select -r `listtransforms -geometry`; 

(edit > select type > geometry)

could translate python?

what you're seeing procedure selectallgeometry, , contents:

select -r `listtransforms -geometry`; 

that command several parts. part in backquotes:

listtransforms -geometry 

is mel procedure. run command help listtransforms see path .mel file. reading that, command actually

listrelatives("-p", "-path", eval("ls", $flags)); 

the output of argument to:

select -r the_list_of_geometry_transforms 

so check out maya's mel , python command reference select, listrelatives, , ls, research how 1 command translates other:

combining together, equivalent mel being called is:

select -r `listrelatives("-p", "-path", eval("ls", $flags))` 

and python, be:

from maya import cmds, p=true, path=true), r=true) 

expanded out tad more readable:

from maya import cmds geometry = transforms = cmds.listrelatives(geometry, p=true, path=true), r=true) 


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