nsarray - NSPopupButton remove all the items except one -

) in nspopupbutton have store different items. these can change depending on other actions:

  nsarray* array = [nsarray arraywitharray:mynewobject];   // not know items found mynewobject    //[_mypopupbutton removeallitems]; // ...but want mantain itematindex:0!!   // ..and then:    (nsdictionary *dict in array)   {       [_mypopupbutton additemwithtitle:[[dict objectforkey:miciomicio] lastpathcomponent]];    } 

my intention delete old items , add new ones. possible while maintaining item @ index 0? ...it nice!

nsmenuitem *firstitem  = [_mypopupbutton itematindex:0]; [_mypopupbutton removeallitems]; [[_mypopupbutton menu] additem:firstitem]; 


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