php - Wordpress menu: Remove list-items and apply ".current-menu-item" to anchor tag -

title says all. in short, how make wp_nav_menu(); output this:

<nav>     <a>menu item</a>     <a class="current-menu-item">menu item</a>     <a>menu item</a>     <a>menu item</a>     <a>menu item</a> </nav> 

i read removes unordered list , list-items.

but removing <li>s removes useful .current-menu-item class when you're on particular page. how class show on anchor tag instead?

you can edit output via first parameter of function wp_nav_menu($args);.

$args = array(     'theme_location'  => '',     'menu'            => '',     'container'       => 'div',     'container_class' => '',     'container_id'    => '',     'menu_class'      => 'menu',     'menu_id'         => '',     'echo'            => true,     'fallback_cb'     => 'wp_page_menu',     'before'          => '',     'after'           => '',     'link_before'     => '',     'link_after'      => '',     'items_wrap'      => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>',     'depth'           => 0,     'walker'          => '' );  wp_nav_menu($args); 

see full documentation.


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