sql - Cant find column but it exist -

hi im working on delphi 10 , sybase.

im having issue 2 days ago , i've tried lot of things. set adoconnection properties in build, searh db , ready. can insert,delete , update when im trying make select x y z output column y not found

when :

select * administradores  

it work,but 1 need dont. code one.

adoquery1.close ; adoquery1.sql.clear; adoquery1.sql.text:='select usu_administrador,pass_administrador administradores  usu_administrador='+edit1.text+''; adoquery1.open; 

i tried sql syntax error ,open fields editor , dont have fields. post happen me, solution didnt work me.

please,could me?

you should use parameters in queries

adoquery1.sql.text:='select usu_administrador, pass_administrador ' +       ' administradores  usu_administrador = :paramadminname'; adoquery1.parambyname('paramadminname').value := edit1.text; 

also, reason why query didn't work value in edit1 must in quotes work in sql

adoquery1.sql.text:='select usu_administrador,pass_administrador administradores  usu_administrador='+quotedstr(edit1.text); 


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