actionscript 3 - Call a function if String number is inferior to 0? -

i've got code in :

var money = 9999;  argent.text = string(money);  trace(money); 

how do say

if (money < 0){ callfunction();  } 


thank answers


i've tried everything.

here's did :

var money:int = 9999;   argent.text = money.tostring(); trace(money); stageref.addeventlistener("checkingmoney", checkmoney, false, 0, true); 

i've add eventlistner in order check money (as nothing triggering condition if money<0 before).

and :

public function checkmoney(event):void{              var money;             trace("checking");         if (parseint(money) < 0){     trace("dangerous");   } } 

so function triggered (the trace "checking" on), number under 0 (-4600), trace "dangerous" not appear.. don't understand.

i don't this, i'm posting second answer because edit drastically different posted. future reference, please post entire code relevant. seemed have missed context , forced solve wrong problem (don't me wrong, still needed fixed not issue @ hand)

so seeing scope issue. basically, object declared in object (be class, function, loop, or conditional) available within object , within child objects. additionally, all objects declared in top-level scope of class must have access modifier (public, private, internal, protected, etc).

so let's assume class structure:

public class classname {     public function classname();     public function checkmoney(); } 

an object declared in constructor (classname()) not available in checkmoney(). need 1 of 2 things:

declare object in top-level scope:

public class classname {     private var money:int;     public function classname(){          money = 9999;          checkmoney()     }     public function checkmoney() {          // have access money     } } 

or pass object function:

public class classname {     public function classname(){          var money:int = 9999;          checkmoney(money);     }     public function checkmoney(value:number) {          // check "value" here. note numbers , strings not passed reference, changing value not change original variable     } } 


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