java - Errors in RESTful web service implementation -

as beginner in web services, using this example start out restful web services. but, in case, have performed every action mentioned till 13th step. but, unable proceed further since, i'm not getting result have mentioned in it. i'm getting below error in firefox firefox can't establish connection server @ localhost:9999 can please me this??

  • check if java application acting server (calcreststartup) able run correctly.
  • then check port bind 9999 (or if has chosen different 1 put port in ff url).
  • if above seems ok, try telnet port, server stopped , again server running ( first telnet should fail, , second succeed).

this output when failing:

telnet localhost 9999 trying telnet: unable connect remote host: connection refused 

this output when succeeding:

telnet localhost 9999 trying connected localhost. escape character '^]'. 

you can check how works running simple http server python with:

python3 -m http.server 9999 serving http on port 9999 .. 

if none of works, check if there firewall preventing connections, or operating system policy forbidding opening listening port.


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