- Is it possible to do identity insert/update in SubSonic 2.0 -

unfortunately i'm stuck using undocumented/obsolete library (subsonic 2.0). i'm trying simple identity insert can't seem work.

here's psuedo-code version of i'm trying do:

subsonicexampleobject o = new select()                           .from(subsonicexampleobject.schema)                           .where(subsonicexampleobject.idcolumn)                           .isequalto(124124)                           .executesingle<subsonicexampleobject>();  if(o == null) {     o = new subsonicexampleobject(); = 124124;; } 

i've tried adding code above , below statement, no success:

new inlinequery()     .execute("set identity_insert " + subsonicexampleobject.schema + " on");      [code above]  new inlinequery()     .execute("set identity_insert " + subsonicexampleobject.schema + " off"); 

regardless of do, subsonic seems ignoring id value, , setting based on next identity value.

if knows how this, i'd super duper happy!


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