Solving systems of equations in Matlab -

how solve these equations in matlab?

enter image description here

lines 1 , 3 independent lines 2 , 4, , can solved easily.

regarding lines 2 , 4, can solve them using genetic algorithms gamultiobj (which give set of approximate solutions, aka. pareto frontier):


fitnessfunction = @objectives; numberofvariables = 2; options = gaoptimset('generations', 100, 'populationsize', 100); [x,fval,exitflag,output] = gamultiobj(fitnessfunction,numberofvariables,[],[],[],[],[],[],options) 


function y = objectives(x)    w = x(1);    y = x(2);    y(1) = abs(2*w*y-2*w+1);    y(2) = abs(2*w+y^2-2*y-1); 


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