scala - Manifest error for anonymous type -

i still getting head around scala, trying figure out missing in below code. getting error message when try instantiate genericserializer anonymous type

description resource path location type type mismatch; found : scala.reflect.manifest[object] required: scala.reflect.manifest[foldermgmtdao.this.anomovetype] note: object >: foldermgmtdao.this.anomovetype, trait manifest invariant in type t. may wish investigate wildcard type such _ >: foldermgmtdao.this.anomovetype. (sls 3.2.10) foldermgmtdao.scala /somucore/src/somu/core line 20 scala problem

below code

object genericserializer {   def apply[t <:anyref:manifest]() = new genericserializer[t]() }  class genericserializer[t <:anyref:manifest] extends imongoserializer[t] {}   //anonymous type creation , using genericserializer     type anomovetype = { def folderpath:string }          val szr = genericserializer[anomovetype] 

looks like it's not possible manifests. should use typetag instead. this:

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ object genericserializer {   def apply[t <:anyref]()(implicit tag: typetag[t]) = {} } 


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