c# - Accessing Link Button Text Present in Grid view column -

i have telerik gridview contains several columns of few columns link-buttons. want access text of link button upon clicking on in code behind. want access particular column text clicked in code behind. code follows

<telerik:gridtemplatecolumn          datafield="employeehrid"          filtercontrolalttext="filter employeehrid column"         headertext="employee hr id"          sortexpression="employeehrid"          uniquename="employeehrid">     <itemtemplate>         <asp:linkbutton id="lbemphrid" runat="server"                   emphrid='<%#eval("employeehrid") %>'                  cssclass="emphridcss">             <%#eval("employeehrid")%>         </asp:linkbutton>     </itemtemplate> </telerik:gridtemplatecolumn> 

please me this

haven't used telerikgrid basic step have find control in rowcommand event or similar telerikgrid exposed.

linkbutton lb = e.item.findcontrol("lbemphrid") linkbutton; string id = lb.text;  //alternately can pass hrid commandargument of linkbutton well. 

i found this sample says telerikgrid has itemcommand have handle.


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